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El libro de Emily Carding Hekate Her Sacred Fires Emily Carding, es una guía de divulgación para los lectores entusiasmados con el alimentación y estilo de vida saludable, que deseen informarse de de una manera algo más científica que de costumbre.

Cuestiona el Statu Quo en el que vivimos, dando patentizas de por qué cuestionar los dogmas alimentarios, de salud y bienestar. Que ayuda a adquirir otro punto de vista más crítico y mejorar en lo personal.

Resumen de Hekate Her Sacred Fires: Exploring the Mysteries of the Torchbearing Goddess of the Crossroads [A collection of essays from devotees, witches & magicians] (The Goddess Hekate) (English Edition) en pdf o epub gratis

Hekate Her Sacred Fires is an exceptional book for an extraordinary, eternal and universal Goddess. It brings together essays, prose and artwork from more than fifty remarkable contributors from all over the world. Their stories and revelations are challenging, their visions and determination in exploring the mysteries are inspirational, and their enthusiasm for the Goddess of the Crossroads is truly entrancing and sometimes highly infectious. Hekate is a Goddess of great antiquity. She is primordial, powerful and sometimes animalistic – and yet, she is also sophisticated, modern and capable of adapting to different cultures. She is the Torchbearer, the Cosmic World Soul, the Guide and Companion. She is Mistress of the Restless Dead, who rules over the Heavens Earth and Sea. She is the Keybearer and so much more. Her devotees today, as throughout the ages, include philosophers, poets, sorcerers, theurgists, witches, root-cutters, enchantresses and ordinary people. In her introduction, the author and priestess Sorita d’Este brings together an exciting wealth of material on the history and development of how the goddess Hekate has been seen through the ages. As well as a fascinating discussion of her possible origins and mythological connections, the introduction also includes a timeline providing glimpses into her portrayal through the ages, with extracts from literature and examples of amulets, coins and art. The spectrum of material covered in this anthology is as diverse as the forms of Hekate herself, emphasising her role as lightbearer, keybearer, initiatrix, world soul, child’s nurse, mistress of crossroads and serpent mysteries. Her devotees describe her role in traditional witchcraft and initiatory Wicca, healing and paganism, her approachability through her angels and trance oracles, her assistance in overcoming traumas and helping the dead continue their journeys. From the reestablishment of the ancient worship of the great mother goddess as Hekate in Thrace (Bulgaria) to meteorites and pilgrimages, Hekate’s presence around the world and beyond is vividly described and illustrated by her torchbearers.

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Más información del autor Emily Carding

“This book is possibly the best anthology I have ever read! It certainly blows the heads off all other Goddess books out there, regardless of which way you look at it. With this book Sorita d’Este and the other contributors have marked a new generation of mystical and magical thought and practice. One which will hopefully continue to move forward and achieve ever better things with each year that passes.

Características del libro Hekate Her Sacred Fires: Exploring the Mysteries of the Torchbearing Goddess of the Crossroads [A collection of essays from devotees, witches & magicians] (The Goddess Hekate) (English Edition)

Número de páginas244 páginas

Hekate Her Sacred Fires Emily Carding Emily Carding
Autor: Emily Carding Categoría: Alimentación, ciencia y vida sana

Conclusión, ¿Mejor libro de divulgación sobre salud y bienestar en pdf gratis?

Hekate Her Sacred Fires: Exploring the Mysteries of the Torchbearing Goddess of the Crossroads [A collection of essays from devotees, witches & magicians] (The Goddess Hekate) (English Edition) es un libro que cambiará tu vida para mejor. Engloba todo, desde la claridad mental y la resistencia hasta tu objetivo final de mejora, para algunos la ganancia de músculo y para otros los procesos de sanación. Más más que eso, da consejos sobre de qué forma implementar prácticamente esta protocolo estricto en tu rutina diaria para que todos tus sacrificios sean recompensados con una mejor apariencia y salud. Si deseas empezar a tomar decisiones por ti mismo en lugar de ponerlas en los platos (o en un caso así en las psiques) de otros, te recomendamos que leas con atención lo que Emily Carding ha compartido con tanta bondad por medio de su trabajo este coste tan barato.

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