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The Five Invitations: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us about Living Fully: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully: Reading Group Guide Edition

El libro de MeiMei Fox The Five Invitations Meimei Fox, es una guía de divulgación para los lectores adictos con el alimentación y estilo de vida saludable, que deseen informarse de de una manera algo más científica que de costumbre.

Cuestiona el Statu Quo en el que vivimos, proporcionando patentizas de por qué cuestionar los dogmas alimenticios, de salud y bienestar. Que ayuda a adquirir otro punto de vista más crítico y progresar en lo personal.

Resumen de The Five Invitations: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us about Living Fully: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully: Reading Group Guide Edition en pdf o epub gratis

The cofounder of the Zen Hospice Project and pioneer behind the compassionate care movement shares an inspiring exploration of the lessons dying has to offer about living a fulfilling life. Death is not waiting for us at the end of a long road. Death is always with us, in the marrow of every passing moment. She is the secret teacher hiding in plain sight, helping us to discover what matters most. Life and death are a package deal. They cannot be pulled apart and we cannot truly live unless we are aware of death. The Five Invitations is an exhilarating meditation on the meaning of life and how maintaining an ever-present consciousness of death can bring us closer to our truest selves. As a renowned teacher of compassionate caregiving and the cofounder of the Zen Hospice Project, Frank Ostaseski has sat on the precipice of death with more than a thousand people. In The Five Invitations, he distills the lessons gleaned over the course of his career, offering an evocative and stirring guide that points to a radical path to transformation. The Five Invitations: -Don’t Wait -Welcome Everything, Push Away Nothing -Bring Your Whole Self to the Experience -Find a Place of Rest in the Middle of Things -Cultivate Don’t Know Mind These Five Invitations show us how to wake up fully to our lives. They can be understood as best practices for anyone coping with loss or navigating any sort of transition or crisis; they guide us toward appreciating life’s preciousness. Awareness of death can be a valuable companion on the road to living well, forging a rich and meaningful life, and letting go of regret. The Five Invitations is a powerful and inspiring exploration of the essential wisdom dying has to impart to all of us.

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Más información del autor MeiMei Fox

“Frank is a pioneer in mindful care at the end of life. He embodies the wisdom and compassion he shares in these magical and compelling pages. You feel it instantly, because it is real, and it is really about you and your life.” —

Características del libro The Five Invitations: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us about Living Fully: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully: Reading Group Guide Edition

Número de páginas304 páginas
Editorial:FLATIRON BOOKS; Reprint edición (22 enero 2019)

The Five Invitations Meimei Fox MeiMei Fox
Autor: MeiMei Fox Categoría: Alimentación, ciencia y vida sana

Conclusión, ¿Merece la pena este libro de divulgación sobre la salud en pdf gratis?

The Five Invitations: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us about Living Fully: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully: Reading Group Guide Edition es un libro que cambiará tu vida para mejor. Engloba todo, desde la claridad mental y la resistencia hasta tu objetivo final de mejora, para algunos la ganancia de músculo y para otros los procesos de curación. Pero más que eso, da consejos sobre de qué manera incorporar prácticamente esta protocolo riguroso en tu rutina diaria a fin de que todos tus esfuerzos sean retribuidos con una mejor apariencia y salud. Si deseas comenzar a tomar decisiones por ti en lugar de ponerlas en los platos (o en un caso así en las psiques) de otros, te recomendamos que leas con atención lo que MeiMei Fox ha compartido con tanta bondad mediante su trabajo este coste tan asequible.

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