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The The Trap: What it is

El ebook de David Icke The The Trap David Icke, es una obra divulgativa para los lectores aficionados con el fitness y alimentación, que deseen informarse de de una forma algo más científica que de costumbre.

Cuestiona el el paradigma actual, dando evidencias de por qué cuestionar los dogmas alimenticios, de salud y bienestar. Que ayuda a adquirir otro punto de vista más crítico y progresar a nivel personal.

Resumen de The The Trap: What it is, how is works, and how we escape its illusions en pdf o epub gratis

David Icke has been writing books for decades warning that current events were coming. He has faced ridicule and abuse for saying that the end of human freedom was being planned, how, and by whom. His latest highly topical book, Perceptions of a Renegade Mind, is published in very different circumstances with vast numbers of people acknowledging that he has been vindicated by the happenings of the ‘Covid’ era. His predictions over more than 30 years have been proved stunningly accurate since the turn of 2020 often down to the fine detail. Icke set out only in January 2021, to write a book to quickly bring enormous numbers of people worldwide up to speed and who can now see that something very strange is happening. But they ask, what exactly? What is going on? He answers those questions in his usual dot-connected detail and lays out the background to what he calls the ‘Global Cult’ which operates across borders to advance a long-planned agenda for total human control. Those who read his section on ‘Covid’ will view events of 2020 and 2021 in a totally new light as he produces the evidence that humanity has been misled on a scale that defies belief. David Icke’s time has come, and Perceptions of a Renegade Mind is destined to be an international best seller that could not have been published at a more important and relevant time or with such a now receptive audience to what he has to say.

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Más información del autor David Icke

David Icke is a prolific a British author who has been writing cutting-edge books for 30 years that have proved over and over again to be ahead of their time. Hundreds of predictions of where the world was heading have turned out to be eerily accurate even in detail – a fact that has attracted a vast worldwide audience that increases by the day. Icke was born in Leicester, England, on April 29th, 1952, and his incredibly varied life has seen him be a professional soccer player, newspaper, radio and television journalist, national sports presenter with the BBC and national spokesman for the British Green Party before spending the last 30 years uncovering who and what really controls the direction of human society. His findings were met at first with incredulity and ridicule by many – until what he said has been proved right year after year and the skeptical began to listen.

Características del libro The The Trap: What it is, how is works, and how we escape its illusions

Número de páginas350 páginas
Editorial:David Icke Books (1 septiembre 2022)

The The Trap David Icke David Icke
Autor: David Icke Categoría: Alimentación, ciencia y vida sana

Conclusión, ¿Es el mejor libro de divulgación sobre salud y bienestar en pdf gratis?

The The Trap: What it is, how is works, and how we escape its illusions es un libro que cambiará tu vida para mejor. Abarca todo, desde la claridad mental y la resistencia hasta tu objetivo final de mejora, para algunos la ganancia de músculo y para otros los procesos de sanación. Pero más que eso, da consejos sobre cómo implementar prácticamente esta protocolo riguroso en tu rutina diaria para que todos tus sacrificios sean retribuidos con una mejor apariencia y salud. Si quieres comenzar a tomar decisiones por ti mismo en vez de ponerlas en los platos (o en un caso así en las psiques) de otros, te invitamos a que leas con atención lo que David Icke ha compartido con tanta bondad a través de su trabajo este coste tan asequible.

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