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El ebook de Martin Lings Lings Martin Lings, es una guía de aprendizaje para los lectores adictos con el bienestar y la salud, que deseen informarse de de una manera algo más científica que de costumbre.

Cuestiona el el paradigma actual, dando evidencias de por qué cuestionar los dogmas alimenticios, de salud y bienestar. Que ayuda a adquirir otro punto de vista más crítico y prosperar en lo personal.

¿Cuál es el contenido principal de Lings, M: Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources en pdf o epub gratis?

A revised edition of the internationally acclaimed biography of the prophet • Includes important additions about the prophet’s spread of Islam into Syria and its neighboring states • Contains original English translations from 8th and 9th century biographies, presented in authoritative language • Represents the final updates made on the text before the author’s death in 2005 Martin Lings’ biography of Muhammad is an internationally acclaimed, comprehensive, and authoritative account of the life of the prophet. Based on the sira, the eighth- and ninth-century Arabic biographies that recount numerous events in the prophet’s life, it contains original English translations of many important passages that reveal the words of men and women who heard Muhammad speak and witnessed the events of his life. Scrupulous and exhaustive in its fidelity to its sources, Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources is presented in a narrative style that is easily comprehensible, yet authentic and inspiring in its use of language, reflecting both the simplicity and grandeur of the story it tells. This revised edition includes new sections detailing the prophet’s expanding influence and his spreading of the message of Islam into Syria and its neighboring states. It represents the final updates made to the text before the author’s death in 2005. The book has been published in 12 languages and has received numerous awards, including acknowledgment as best biography of the prophet in English at the National Seerate Conference in Islamabad.

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Más información del autor Martin Lings

“For those interested in Islam . . . it is mesmerizing.”– “Parabola” “This work is widely recognized as the most readable account of the life of the Prophet to date.”– “Times of London” Lings provides a wealth of detail on the life of Muhammad, the time and place of many Koranic revelations, and the foundation of Islam, all based exclusively on 8th- and 9th-century Arabic biographical sources and collections of the sayings attributed to Muhammad. General readers will find a well-written, straightforward chronological narrative; Muslim readers will appreciate the favorable treatment of Muhammad; while specialists will find a faithful and convenient rendering of source material.– “Joseph Gardner, California State Univ. Lib., Northridge Library Journal”

Características del libro Lings, M: Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources

Número de páginas180 páginas

Lings Martin Lings Martin Lings
Autor: Martin Lings Categoría: Alimentación, ciencia y vida sana

Conclusión, ¿Es el mejor libro de divulgación sobre en pdf gratis?

Lings, M: Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources es un libro que cambiará tu vida para mejor. Engloba todo, desde la claridad mental y la resistencia hasta tu objetivo final de mejora, para ciertos la ganancia de músculo y para otros los procesos de curación. Pero más que eso, da consejos sobre de qué manera implementar prácticamente esta protocolo riguroso en tu rutina diaria a fin de que todos tus esfuerzos sean recompensados con una mejor apariencia y salud. Si quieres empezar a tomar resoluciones por ti mismo en vez de ponerlas en los platos (o en un caso así en las psiques) de otros, te invitamos a que leas con atención lo que Martin Lings ha compartido con tanta bondad a través de su trabajo este costo tan económico.

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